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Inspired Energy's net zero webinar


Inspired Energy is hosting a live webinar on Thursday 27th January 11am on kick starting net zero plans this New Year. Please see the details below:

New Year Targets: Net Zero 101 Thursday 27th January 11am

After the recent COP26, more and more businesses should now be looking to action their net zero plans. Join this live webinar as Inspired’s experts talk you through how you can kick start your net zero plan this New Year.

This webinar will provide you with a clear definition and summary of net zero, look at why the world is targeting net zero and what this means for your business. It will cover the practicalities around achieving net zero emissions and the steps you should be taking on the road to decarbonisation, including the setting of Science-Based Targets (SBTs), Scope 3 emission reduction initiatives and voluntary carbon offsetting.

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session with Inspired’s carbon reduction and optimisation specialists to answer any of your questions.

To register your free place, please click here.


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