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Luxury Hotel Group Builds on Digital Transformation with Percipient Cloud Connect


API-led Integration tool Delivers Comprehensive Insights and Instils Greater Intelligence for Northern-Ireland based Hastings Hotels


Percipient today announced that Hastings Hotels, Northern Ireland’s premier hotel group, has deployed Percipient Cloud Connect to deliver integration between Sage Intacct and Procurement, Property Management, HR & Payroll, Time & Attendance, and Recruitment systems.

Having deployed Sage Intacct in 2020, the breadth, depth and cohesiveness of insights was initially confined to finance, except for a part integration with Hastings’ procurement system, Procure Wizard. However, several years on, Hastings leveraged the API-led integration capabilities in Percipient’s Cloud Connect tool, to deliver full integration with the hotel company’s property management system (PMS

With the powerful integrations underpinned by Percipient Cloud Connect consolidating Hastings’ digital transformation roll-out, both the quality of data and the level of analysis possible really does elevate the way in which business planning takes place.

The real-time and fast nature of accessing insights means that Hastings can be proactive in mitigating any risks or cost leaks, and jump on opportunities before they become obsolete, both of which represent massive USPs in an industry subject to so much variability and fluctuating market dynamics.

“We operate a diverse portfolio of hotels – from city-based venues to country retreats, with spas, world famous golf courses and scenery, and unique hospitality experiences all designed to meet the demands of our guests. Full visibility of our operations in ensuring our proposition meets the high standards we set ourselves, is therefore paramount,”

Peter Gibson, Hastings Hotels, explains. “We migrated away from our previous system to achieve precisely that, and since going live with Sage Intacct, have benefitted from access to accurate, in-depth and comprehensive management information to enable faster, more informed decision making within the business.

“This level of integration across all of our key systems has brought huge benefits. The integration of the HR and payroll tools in particular, has given us immense granularity in the way we can slice and dice our wages bill, the value of which can’t be underestimated in a business where remuneration comprises the largest cost. And as rises to the minimal wage and national insurance (NI) increases take hold, dynamic management of the impact of these is imperative for the team at Hastings.

“The fact that General Managers (GMs) can view wage bills in detail, in real-time, means they can exercise greater control over budgets and costs. They are able to view details on all departments according to hotel, or department, and identify trends and anomalies across, say food and beverage, housekeeping, spa services or customer service. Crucially this is done easily via dashboards to bring autonomy and intelligence to their planning.”

“Five years on from deploying Sage Intacct, it really does represent the central hub and intelligence source for the business,” explains Peter. “Our General Managers love it, because it gives them the tools to do their jobs more effectively. And as a finance department, it means we spend less time gathering data and more time considering what to do with the data to better serve the business.”

“We now have substantially improved visibility of more in depth, higher quality information from across the business,” Peter concludes. “The availability of these insights on an intuitive dashboard means that GMs have up to date information from which to perform their role to the best of their abilities.


The Percipient value

“Our bi-monthly calls with the Percipient team now represent more of a catch up rather than to discuss any issues, which is testament the success of our Sage Intacct deployment, and the subsequent smooth integrations which have followed.


“We have experienced very few problems, and whenever we do encounter a hiccup, the team is there on hand to support us. We’re fortunate that our trading post-pandemic has been really positive, and supported by Sage Intacct, Cloud Connect and the Percipient team, we’re confident that we’ll continue to build on this in the years ahead.”


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